Ural Australia will be holding  their next Test Ride Event on Saturday 29th September at Uralla Showgrounds-King Street Uralla NSW Commencing at 8am

  •  See and test ride the latest Ural models
  • Hear the theory of sidecar riding
  • Join us for breakfast from 8am
  • Food & Drinks available throughout the day
  • A great opportunity for inexperienced riders who possibly have never ridden a sidecar outfit to learn some basic skills in a safe environment. Theory and opportunity to try
  •  Explanation of the handling dynamics to understand its behaviour relative to driving it
  • Steering practice around marker cones to familiarise with direct steering as opposed to indirect steering used on all two wheeled bikes
  • Braking (there‘s more to it than you think)

Experience the pleasure of sidecar riding and the thrill of adventure which will leave you wanting to do it again and again.

Find more details here