After her accident last year leaving Laura with a broken femur, she came in to Round 1 fit, strong and ready for the 2017 season.

This is a great start to the season of racing and definitely one to remember. The team now shifts its focus to testing at Wakefield Park.

Team manager Warwick Nowland says “We are thrilled at Laura’s progress, although this was no surprise to us, we know Laura has the speed and the ability to race at the top level. We came to race and we broke the track record.”

The Draggin team was trackside supporting Laura Brown and cheering her on as she flew over the finish line. Laura was extremely humble post-race and mentioned the all the training is making her stronger and better rider.

We are looking forward to Round 2 of racing at Wakefield Park Raceway, in Goulburn on 17th – 19th March 2017.