My motivation in racing is to reach (and hopefully achieve) new goals. Going faster than the session before or improving a particular part of my riding is where I draw a big part of my motivation from. I also get excited about seeing other riders improve their own personal journey in motorcycling. Each person has their own goals and ideas of what they want to
get out of riding.

When I was 18 and started my apprenticeship as a fitter and turner in Mount Gambier, SA, I had the opportunity to also teach drums part-time after work. This is where I realised I got a huge buzz from helping others improve in their chosen pastime. When I finished my apprenticeship, my manager at work thought I should quit racing and focus on my job as a machinist. But I only worked there to help pay for my racing!

So I quit my job and went teaching drums full-time at a few high schools and in a studio at a local music shop. This was a huge part of laying the foundation for what would come a few years later. Helping my communication with others teaching music got me into coaching on track with riders. The principle is very much the same – you see what your student can and can’t do, then advise them on how they can improve.

Mac Park is where I’ve grown up and spent most of my time. The track is owned and maintained by the Mount Gambier Motorcycle Club. The money raised by the club from hosting races, trackdays and coaching events is all put back into maintaining the track and its facilities. Fortunately, this means that, unlike any other track I know of (or have access to), I can cost-effectively hire it to run coaching days with small numbers of riders.

We have been running MA-affiliated coaching days at Mac Park over the summer months since 2013 and the numbers have been steadily growing. In the 20 days we ran last summer, we had more than 200 riders attend, with just over 60 being first-timers at Mac Park. The level of these riders varies, from ASBK riders such as Ted Collins, Tom and Ben Bramich and Ty Lynch, all the way to road riders who want to experience track riding in a controlled manner where they can learn correct techniques early on in their journey.

The people I’d like to acknowledge who make these days happen starts with my wife Katie, who gets up at 5am to come with me to the track and prepare the day ahead, then spends the day taking notes from the coaches as they talk with each rider. My dad makes sure the riders are prepared to go on track, and the other coaches who assist include Josh Waters, David Johnson, Tim Oliver and many others. My grandparents and mum do the catering, ensuring everyone is fed to a higher standard than anyone would expect (I think this might be the main reason many people come!). And, of course, the Mac Park club.

I believe it’s a great relationship for all involved. I am able to put funds back into the club through the hire fees and support the track that supports me, allowing me to use it to run these coaching days, and allowing riders to use it in a much quieter environment than possible anywhere else (15-25 riders max, all day).

But the main people to thank are all the riders who want to come and learn from us and ride Mac Park. Without them, none of this would happen, and I want to thank each person I’ve had the privilege of teaching, because it really is an honour to give even a small bit of information back to people who want to learn!

You can find out more about coaching and my racing in the UK – where I’m riding for BPS Racing, supported by AJN Steel Stock and Boast Plumbing Supplies, in the Ducati TriOptions Cup  – at