DOCV Monster Raffle artwork copy 2

Tickets $30 each, available as follows:

Deposit ticket value ($30 x number of tickets) to Ducati Owners Club of Victoria (Inc.) Westpac, BSB: 033-091, Account Number: 519 668

Please add your name as the reference

Then e-mail advising your:

  • Name
  • Address
  • e-mail
  • Phone number

Tickets will be forwarded by e-mail. If you want DOCV to post your ticket/s please add $1 to your payment to cover handling costs

Further Information: 0417 382 794

Approximately 36% of Spinal Cord Injuries are the result of motorcycle accidents. Austin Health are in need of upgrade to equipment and facilities to assist those with SCI and to help aid a speedy recovery and the best possible outcome. Help DOCV raise funds for this important service through our 40th Anniversary Monster Raffle where you’ll have a 1:2000 change of winning one of our great prizes, including a new Ducati Monster 1200S.

The Victorian Spinal Cord Service at Austin Health is one of only six such specialist services in Australia. It provides acute management & rehabilitation for people who sustain traumatic and some non-traumatic spinal cord injuries from Victoria, Tasmania and the Riverina of NSW. It forms part of Victoria’s State Trauma System.

It provides inpatient and outpatient services at the Austin Hospital and Royal Talbot Rehabilitation Centre in addition to a range of clinic and community based services. It works in close partnership with specialist units within Austin Health and with community service providers.

Spinal Injuries Facts

  • Around 12,000 people in Australia today have a spinal cord injury (SCI).
  • 350 to 400 new cases are recorded each year.
  • Transport-related injuries account for the majority of spinal cord injuries in Australia.

Causes of SCIs in Australia

Approximately 80% of newly reported SCI cases are due to traumatic injury (eg. accident related). These consist of:

  • 46% – motor vehicle related incidents, predominantly motorcyclists (79%)
  • 28% – related to falls
  • 9% – resulted from being hit or struck by an object
  • 9% – were water-related
  • 8% – were from other causes, e.g. football, horse-riding