Givi is known for designing practical products that improve bikes in the areas of safety, comfort and versatility. It offers a number of screen options for Honda’s popular Africa Twin, of which I’ve just taken possession of in order to set-up for some serious touring and adventure duties.

On the face of it, this low sports screen in solid matt black appears to be aimed more at improving the bikes look than any practical consideration but, while it is a very good-looking addition, it does actually offer a few not-so obvious rider enhancements. We will cover these properly in our follow-up review when we have had more ride time with the screen fitted.

On that point, it was very simple to fit using the four OEM Allen-head bolts from the stock screen. The only point to note is that the two bottom bolts use rubber-mounted well nuts to retain the bolts and, if you lose control of these they could be pushed into the fairing body making the job much harder than it has to be (don’t ask me how I know). I’d suggest removing the well nuts and starting them on the bolt threads before pushing the screen in and up to locate them back into the fairing recesses, then tighten everything up. Other than that, it all lined up perfectly – which is becoming less and less regular these days – and was a 10-minute job.

By Tim Munro

Givi matte-black Sports screen


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