In AMCN issue Vol68 No03, Peter Whitaker’s Not Forgotten feature profiled one of Wollongong’s favourite motorcycling sons, Kevin Cass Like many great characters of Australian motorcycle racing, Kevin’s story is interwoven with other great names of the era. Kevin’s Wollongong motorcycle dealership at 264 Keira Street is now the home of City Coast Motorcycles owned by another Aussie racing identity Geoff Sim. Sitting proudly on display in the showroom of City Coast Motorcycles is one of Kevin’s race bikes which is still in as-raced condition. After racing against this bike in the hands of riders Kevin had chosen suitable for the task, Geoff decided it was only right it ended up in his hands, and on display for all to enjoy.

Powered by what was originally an air-cooled KX125 engine, Cass squeezed more performance from the single-cylinder engine by fitting the water-cooled cylinder and piston from a Suzuki RG500. The idea of water-cooled motorcycle engines was very much in its infancy back when Kevin built this bike.

Groff Sim said it’s thanks to the excellent work of Trevor Liverside that the bike appears in its true as-raced form.

“Trevor took Kevin’s idea of putting an RG 500 cylinder onto the KX125 engine and then developed it to the point that both he and Bernie summers won many period races with the bike concept that Kevin started and Trevor developed. Trevor also makes and repairs violins, and is a two-stroke tuner par excellence, he did a magnificent job on Kevin’s bike.”

City Coast Motorcycles has a collection of significant Australian race bikes on show at its Wollongong store, and Tim and his team will be more than happy to show you around.