Recently I was reminiscing over some old bike photos and it confirmed the fact that most of my fondest memories have involved the riding of motorcycles.

My introduction to motorcycling was back in the 70s when I acquired a Deltek Rockhopper (powered by a Victa lawnmower engine) from my cousin. I rode it almost every day and even tried to devise a way to fit mower blades underneath it, to mow the lawn while still riding! To my mother’s relief, that plan didn’t eventuate, but my passion for motorcycles was born.

Now I can’t imagine a life without motorcycles – they’re part of my DNA. I feel extremely grateful to have been born into a motorcycling environment, with family, friends and associates who share in this rewarding pastime.

But this raised another question: what is it that drives our passion to ride motorcycles? And, what is the pure essence of motorcycling?

I set out to answer these questions in the only way I know how – on the back of a bike. Or five, to be precise. The idea was to try five completely different machines to experience the many facets of riding in diverse environments. The aim? To find the pure joy of motorcycling.

With this in mind I settled on five riding experiences: the charm and simplicity of a 1930s classic; the freedom of adventure with an economic traveller; the challenges of a pint-sized commuter; the comfort and agility of a sports-tourer, and: the excitement and adrenaline of a big-bore enduro.

With enthusiasm at the ready, it was time to start those engines!

Read the full story in the current issue of AMCN (Vol 67 No 13) on sale now